Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Leopard

You know, back in the day I would have thought that in the fictional universe Cabot Cove was the murder capitol of the world but I have since realized, as we all have, that title belongs to Scandinavia. Just in case there are any doubts here is the new Harry Hole novel, The Leopard, by Jo Nesbø to reinforce my opinion.

In his previous novel Nesbø had Harry catching a serial killer known as The Snowman and almost losing himself in the process.  In The Leopard Nesbø finds another multiple murderer for Harry to investigate. Apparently there’s a lot of that going around in Norway.  Not to worry however Harry Hole is here to if not make sense of it then to at least put the bad guys behind bars.

Harry is my go to read among the Scandinavian crime spree novels. I never fell under the spell of Steig Larson or Henning Menkell but Jo Nesbø gets the job done for me. Harry has many of the classic detective attributes: problems with authority, a wealth of failed relationships and a liking for all the things that are bad for him but Nesbø is talented enough to make all that fresh.

The plot of The Leopard? Nesbø knows how to make it big, fast moving, stuffed with good characters and keep everything one step ahead of his readers. You will not hear any details or a summary from me. I don’t want to give away a morsel of a mystery if I can help it.  Suffice to say that The Leopard is every bit as good, as intense and as satisfying as Nesbø’s other (Excellent!) Harry Hole novels.

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